Enel X arbeitet mit Hubject zusammen, um Zahlungslösungen für die Branche eMobilität zu optimieren.

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August 24, 2020

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Enel X arbeitet mit Hubject zusammen, um Zahlungslösungen für die Branche eMobilität zu optimieren.

  • Hubject, das Unternehmen hinter der weltweit führenden eRoaming-Plattform intercharge, wird nun auch Abrechnungslösungen bereitstellen, um Transaktionen zwischen Betreibern von Ladestationen und Anbietern von Elektromobilitätsdiensten zu erleichtern. Dies hat das Ziel, die Rentabilität der Elektromobilität zu steigern
  • Die Enel X-Tochtergesellschaft Enel X Financial Services hat einen langfristigen Partnerschaftsvertrag mit Hubject abgeschlossen. Enel X Financial nutzt die Fintech-Engine des Unternehmens um die Abrechnungslösung zu unterstützen, und die Geschäftsprozesse im Dienste der Entwicklung des eMobilitätsmarktes zu innovieren.

Rome and Berlin, August 24, 2020 – Enel X, through Enel X Financial Services, it's subsidiary specialized in payment solutions, has been selected by Hubject to enable financial settlement services between Charging Point Operators (CPO) and e-Mobility Service Providers (EMP) on Hubject's world-leading eRoaming platform. This service, called “intercharge SETTLEMENT”, enables an automated, future-proof B2B payment and invoicing solution, which is set to reduce the B2B processing costs and help to improve the profitability of all participating partner companies. Furthermore, this partnership facilitates eRoaming as a key enabler of the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EV). It will be made available across Eurozone countries by the end of this year.Giulio Carone, CEO of Enel X Financial Services, said: "This long-term partnership is an important step towards positioning our company as a leading player in the financial services market. This agreement with Hubject, testimonies our commitment to innovative solutions focused on a customer centricity approach built upon the traditional energy commodity model. The Fintech platform we have implemented opens the way to new business models enabling interoperability between different ecosystems."Christian Hahn, CEO of Hubject, said: "We are excited to work with Enel X to offer an unmatched service level and quality to all the 750+ partners on our eRoaming platform. One of the biggest challenges in the EV charging industry with lots of manual hours and spreadsheets every month can finally be considered solved. That does allow all our partners to improve their business case with every transaction done via intercharge SETTLEMENT".The solution is the first fully integrated end-to-end financial B2B settlement service within the e-mobility sector, and it allows CPOs to directly determine the B2B tariffs for charging processes as well as automating the invoicing and billing process with EMPs. The new settlement solution eliminates manual activities in rating, invoicing, and payment processes, which were prone to error. The solution also provides a platform for online conflict resolution and valuable reporting data insights. Besides, it will improve payment security as well as controlling operating expenses and helping businesses reduce them substantially.Hubject has developed an interoperable platform of EV charging points that enables drivers to fill up their cars across a network of 250,000 public charging points worldwide, without having to sign new contracts on top of the ones with their EMP. To enable seamless customer experience, each EMP uses the Hubject eRoaming Platform to access a wide range of different CPO networks. Before this agreement, when a charging session took place, the EMP had to separately pay the CPO according to the pricing information declared by the latter. Besides, each bilateral transaction would be settled manually on a monthly or bi-monthly basis after a complex reconciliation process.Enel X has closed numerous interoperability agreements through Hubject's eRoaming platform to broaden the public charging network available to its customers throughout Europe, expanding its reach as EMP into Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.Interoperability, or eRoaming, is a structural component of the Enel X mission to create charging solutions for all types of use (home, office, transit) that are accessible through a single point of access, namely Enel X's JuicePass app. This app is the single interface for Enel X customers to charge at home and the office as well as to access Enel X's and its partners' public charging point network and, eventually, the overall Hubject network. Enel X is expected to increase its network of public and private charging points made available worldwide, also through interoperability partnerships, to approximately 736,000 by 2022 from around 130,000 today, to support the uptake of EVs and the decarbonization of the transport sector.Enel X Financial Services, an Enel Group company, 100% controlled by Enel X, is an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) authorized by the Bank of Italy in December 2018 that provides payment solutions to consumers and corporates acting in full respect of data protection and confidentiality. It is also a regulated entity registered in the European Banking Authority (EBA) central register that contains information about payment and electronic money institutions. Enel X Financial Services aims to become a leading player in the fintech domain.About Enel XEnel X is Enel's global business line dedicated to the development of innovative products and digital solutions in sectors where energy is showing the highest potential for transformation: cities, homes, industries, and electric mobility. The company is a global leader in the advanced energy solution sector, managing services such as demand response for more than 6 GW of total capacity at a worldwide level and 110 MW of storage capacity installed worldwide, as well as a leading player in the electric mobility sector, with around 130,000 public and private EV charging points made available around the globe.About HubjectHubject simplifies the charging of electric vehicles. Through its eRoaming platform, called intercharge, the eMobility specialist connects Charge Point Operators or CPOs and eMobility Service Providers or EMPs, thus providing standardized access to charging infrastructure regardless of any network. With over 250,000 connected charging points and more than 750 B2B partners across 43 countries and four continents, Hubject has established the world’s largest cross-provider charging network for electric vehicles by connecting CPO networks. In addition, Hubject is a trusted consulting partner in the eMobility market, advising automotive manufacturers, charging providers, and other EV-related businesses looking to launch eMobility services or implement Plug&Charge using ISO 15118. In essence, Hubject promotes eMobility and its advancement worldwide. Founded in 2012, Hubject is a joint venture of the BMW Group, Bosch, Mercedes Benz, EnBW, Enel X, innogy, Siemens, and the Volkswagen Group. Hubject’s headquarters is located in Berlin, with subsidiaries in Los Angeles and Shanghai.Hubject — Heading for the futureFor more information on Hubject and its services, please visit hubject.com.Hubject Media ContactHubject GmbHEUREF-Campus 22 |10829 BerlinGermanyChristian Hahn, CEOT +49 30 5870 8891 13presse@hubject.com

August 24, 2020

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